
Best Cryptocurrencies In India To Invest In 2024

It should go without saying that you would first be seeking brief Crypto investments if you are a new investor joining the cryptocurrency industry. There are two possible situations: either you want to test the short-term profit-yielding potential of cryptocurrencies, or you can’t lock in the money for a lengthy time. Based on how rapidly profits are made – in hours, days, as well as weeks, short-term trading could be broken down into several categories. Generally speaking, the riskier a deal is, the quicker the trading period.

There are a huge number of Cryptos available right now. So you might be wondering what cryptocurrency to buy right now in India for quick profits. To identify the finest Cryptos to participate in for the near future in 2023, investors need to take a variety of factors into account. Cryptocurrencies are undoubtedly a crucial and modern component of any investing strategy in 2023.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies are virtual money supported by Blockchain technology. Blockchain is a distributed database that syncs with all of its users in real-time. It is so transparent and unchangeable.

Here is a more thorough explanation:

Having stated that the worth of any cryptocurrency depends on the public. Prices rise as there are more buyers. Similar to this, a sell-off can reduce the worth of any cryptocurrency.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Cryptocurrency:

The goal of the introduction of cryptocurrencies was to transform the financial system. But there are costs and benefits to every change. Its conceptual ideal of a decentralized using cryptocurrencies and its actual execution diverge significantly at the current stage of cryptocurrency development.

The following are some of cryptocurrencies’ benefits and drawbacks.


Eliminates lone points of failure.

Fund transfers between parties are made simpler.

Eliminates outside parties.

May be utilized to produce returns

The remittance process is simplified


Pseudonymous transactions are made.

The use of pseudonyms for illegal purposes

Had grown extremely centralized

Costly to join a network and make money

Difficulties with off-chain security

Prices fluctuate widely.

Cryptocurrencies in India:

Cryptocurrencies have swept over India, and nothing can stop them now. Everyone is hopping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon to make quick money or cling to it for the long term, which is accelerating its mainstream adoption. The haziness around the future of cryptocurrency in the nation has become a little clearer with the implementation of tax rules in the cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrencies are a fantastic investment choice and are here to stay.

Although short-term cryptocurrency traders have experienced fast gains, long-term cryptocurrency investment strategies are thought to be considerably preferable. This is because cryptographic assets frequently exhibit cycles and accumulate over time, increasing in value. And despite the extremely high levels of volatility offered by cryptocurrency markets, several investors have been drawn to the area by the possibility of huge gains.

If you have been considering making a long-term investment in cryptocurrency but are unsure which top cryptocurrency to choose for your ideal long-term portfolio, don’t worry; this article got you covered.

Hence, the top 15 choices for people who are unsure which cryptocurrency to purchase in India as part of a long-term investment strategy are as follows:

List of 15 Best Cryptocurrencies In India 2023

The top 15 cryptocurrencies to invest in for the brief term in 2023 are given below.

  1. Dogecoin (DOGE)
  2. Chainlink (LINK)
  3. Polkadot (DOT)
  4. Shiba Inu (SHIB)
  5. Cardano (ADA)
  6. Binance Coin (BNB)
  7. Litecoin (LTC)
  8. Avalanche (AVAX)
  9. Bitcoin (BTC)
  10. Ethereum (ETH)
  11. Unocoin
  12. CoinDCX
  13. Zebpay
  14. CoinSwitch Kuber
  15. Bitbns

 1. Dogecoin (DOGE)

DogecoinDogecoin was initially created as a joke currency, but Tesla CEO Elon Musk declared that he would “put Dogecoin on the moon,” meaning that a full space project would’ve been funded solely with DOGE coins.

Musk has been a vocal proponent of Dogecoin and frequently argues in his tweets that Doge is superior to even BTC as well as ETH. Doge is the undisputed king of meme coins as well as the most valuable cryptocurrencies. Moreover, it was the Coin that Americans searched for the most in 2021.

The Dogecoin Foundation stated in December 2021 that a “Dogepedia” would be added to their website to address all Dogecoin-related queries.


The creators are also developing the GigaWallet that will enable more shops around the world to embrace Dogecoin as a form of payment.

To learn how to purchase Dogecoin in India, go to its website.

2. Chainlink (LINK)

ChainlinkA decentralized oracle network called Chainlink intends to be instrumental in the widespread use of blockchain technology. The objective of this network is to offer inputs from diverse outside data sources.

Chainlink’s native token, called LINK is intended to support the expansion of the venture. With the increasing importance of blockchain in practical applications, LINK tokens may rank among the top cryptocurrencies for short-term investment in 2023. LINK is based on its blockchain, much like Bitcoin (BTC) as well as Ethereum (ETH), and it encourages user mining.

The LINK token is used to compensate Chainlink network operators anytime they download information from off-chain feeds, structure the data into accessible formats and execute many off-chain calculations.


Chainlink is specifically employed to transfer Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), wager on individual savings, and make it easier to change the distribution of Crypto tokens.

3. Polkadot (DOT)

PolkadotThe next-generation blockchain protocol Polkadot links various specialized blockchains to a single, connected network. Parallel blockchains, also known as “parachains,” on which transactions can take place simultaneously, are how the Polkadot protocol is intended to be quick and scalable.

As a result, the majority of the requirements for large blockchains are eliminated, giving the DOT network an unprecedented level of scalability and speed. Polkadot can process more than 1,000,000 transactions per second once it is fully operational. And everything is still genuinely decentralized.

DOT is Polkadot’s native token and governance token. Holders are allowed to consider voting on decisions affecting the network’s future through DOT.


On the Polkadot network, DOT can also be used for staking, which verifies transactions and issues fresh DOTs.

On exchanges like WazirX, you may buy and sell DOT together with all the greatest cryptocurrencies for short-term investments in 2023.

4. Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu is an Ethereum Blockchain-based ERC-20 alternative coin. The token’s whitepaper states that it intends to create an ecosystem of three currencies with various resources. Leash and Bone are the additional two tokens used in ShibaSwap. With a total collection of one quadrillion, Shiba Inu coins serve as the foundation’s medium of exchange. The company behind the cryptocurrency also developed ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange that enables users to dig, haste, and fetch. The terms “providing liquidity,” “staking coins,” and “retrieving coins” are used in that order.

If it isn’t already clear, the majority of SHIB terminology has something to do with dogs. The cryptocurrency market frequently resembles a puppy mill because of Elon Musk’s Twitter feed and the presence of numerous investors who enjoy memes.


Its prices have been influenced by blizzards in the same way as the concept as well as names of this cryptocurrency. For instance, the price of the coin increased by 300% after Elon Musk declared his wish to purchase a Shibu puppy.

5. Cardano (ADA)

CardanoA decentralized Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain is Cardano. It’s the initial blockchain that is founded on scholarly study. The Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocol, employed in the majority of prominent cryptocurrencies, has scalability issues and other inefficiencies that Cardano seeks to address. To examine and investigate every facet of the blockchain, the Cardano Foundation, which supports the Cardano network, has teamed up with numerous academic institutions. The Cardano ecosystem’s native cryptocurrency is called ADA. It makes up the initial third generation of cryptocurrencies and is among the best to invest in now.

Third-generation cryptos typically improve on the drawbacks of first- and second-generation cryptos. Cardano specifically seeks to address problems with the sustainability, interoperability, and scalability of competing Crypto platforms.


Cardano intends to build adaptability by utilizing new developments in security, sustainability, as well as multi-tiered architecture over time.

6. Binance Coin (BNB)

binance coinYou can trade and pay a fee on Binance, which is among the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, using the Binance Coin cryptocurrency.

Binance Coin has grown since it was introduced in 2017, and it now does more than just enable transactions on Binance’s exchange platform. Now, it can be utilized for trading, processing payments, or even making trip plans. Also, it can be traded or converted into other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum or Bitcoin.

In 2017, BNB cost only $0.10. Its price increased to nearly $413 by the start of March 2022, a gain of roughly 410,000%. BNB didn’t tremble much regardless of the severe market drop and is currently trading at $335 since around March 19, 2023.


It can be used to conduct business, handle payments, or even plan travel. It can also be exchanged for or converted into other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

7. Litecoin (LTC)

LitecoinCharlie Lee, a former software developer for cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, invented the open-source blockchain project Litecoin (LTC), which was introduced in 2011. It was among the first digital currencies whose code was a copy of Bitcoin’s.

Despite similarities to Bitcoin, it is designed to have a quicker confirmation time for transactions. It may be utilized as a method of direct payment to anyone anywhere in the world. The term “silver to Bitcoin’s gold” is widely used to describe LTC.

The overall round-off supply of Litecoin is 84 million coins. It reached an all-time high of $413.47 in May 2021 but then fell by more than 50%. The number of businesses accepting Litecoin is rising. It ranks as the 11th largest cryptocurrency in the world with a token value of about $84.


It is intended to offer a quicker confirmation time for transactions, despite its similarity to Bitcoin. 

8. Avalanche (AVAX)

AvalancheThe Avalanche blockchain’s native coin, AVAX, supports smart contract capabilities. One of the quickest and most reliable smart contract systems in the DeFi industry, it operates on the Proof of Stake (PoS) method. Similar to Ethereum, it uses the same Solidity programming language and allows smart contracts to enable the running of decentralized apps on its network.

720 million AVAX tokens, the total supply of Avalanche, are available. Of which, fifty percent, were manufactured and distributed just at the time of its 2020 launch. The remaining tokens will eventually be produced through the minting process as staking rewards.

Additionally, unlike Ethereum and Bitcoin, Avalanche does not pay validators any fees; instead, all fees are burned, making AVAX even rarer.


When AVAX was first introduced in September 2020, it cost roughly $4.00. The token reached its peak on November 23, 2021, at $134.87. AVAX has a price of over $17.23 as of March 19, 2023.

9. Bitcoin (BTC)

bitcoin The most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is without any doubt the best option for long-term investments in cryptocurrencies. Investors’ belief that Bitcoin will rise in worth over time owing to its finite number of 21 million units is the main driver of its popularity. The majority of investors also think that Bitcoin will keep rising in value as fiat currencies lose strength.

Bitcoin (BTC), the first Cryptocurrency, was established in 2009 by a person or group of people using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. It is frequently referred to as “digital gold.” BTC is also the most popular cryptocurrency, and for good reason: it pioneered the crypto industry and has the highest price, market capitalization, as well as volume of any other cryptocurrency.


Even if there are tens of thousands of other cryptos on the marketplace, Bitcoin still makes up around 40% of the total market valuation. Due to this, it is a profitable match for the top long-term cryptocurrency investments in 2023.

10. Ethereum (ETH)

ethereumEthereum is another popular cryptocurrency investment that many people choose, both in terms of price and market size. Along with being a widely used cryptocurrency asset, Ethereum is renowned for its ground-breaking network, which enables developers to create their coins using the ERC-20 compatibility standard.

Ethereum offers a framework for developing different Cryptocurrencies as well as a way to carry out decentralized smart contracts. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) are two additional ideas that have raised Ethereum’s value over time.

Late in 2021, Ethereum reached a record high of nearly $4800, and 2022 got underway with prices around $3600. Moreover, Ethereum experienced a 160% gain in 2021 and is anticipated to reach $6,500 this year. Because of this, it is a requirement for building the greatest long-term cryptocurrency portfolio.


The Merge, Ethereum’s much-anticipated ETH-2 update, was released this year. This has improved speed and effectiveness and will help the network overcome scalability issues. Experts anticipate that after this successful update, Ethereum prices will soar much higher.

11. Unocoin:

UnocoinUnocoinUnocoin is the next option, and it is renowned for both its user-friendly interface and compatibility with a variety of cryptocurrencies. A user must establish a user account and provide all necessary KYC – Know Your Customer information while downloading the app.

Users of Unocoin pay a fee of 0.7 percent when purchasing and selling assets, which is more than WazirX does. This tariff is valid for usage lasting at least 60 days. Following that, the software asks for a 0.5 percent fee and also promotes you to Gold membership.

WazirX has a lower minimum deposit amount than Unocoin, which allows deposits at a minimum of RS 1,000. However, there are no costs for users who deposit money through NEFT, IMPS, RTGS, or UPI. Yet, there are transaction costs of 2% when using the MobiKwik wallet, and there may be additional fees from the banks when using debit or credit cards.


Using finger ID and passcode, Unocoin additionally provides biometric security measures. Nevertheless, if you enter the incorrect code in addition to your biometrics ID, the app would log you out.

12. CoinDCX

CoinDCXThe most flexible trading application of crypto assets in the nation is considered to be CoinDCX. You can purchase or sell more than 200 different trade coins. Also, the entire setup procedure has been made simpler by the use of a one-time password (OTP) sent to your registered email address and mobile number.

You may learn a lot regarding cryptocurrencies for investment and how they work in the virtual space by visiting the Settings page on the app. The maker and taker costs on CoinDCX are 0.1 percent, and the minimum withdrawal amount is fixed at RS 1,000 with no additional fees.

Only INR is supported by this cryptocurrency exchange app, which limits your trading options. You can fund the account through NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, UPI, or even just a straightforward bank transfer.


The maker and taker costs on CoinDCX are 0.1 percent, and the minimum withdrawal amount is fixed at RS 1,000 with no additional fees.

13. Zebpay:

zebpayZebpay is a different Bitcoin exchange software that you may be familiar with. It’s one of the first cryptocurrency trading apps available. You can start trading by signing up and providing complete KYC information using your mobile number.

The refer and earn feature is supported by the platform. As a result, for a year, you will receive 50% of the trading fees generated through your connections if you are successful in persuading people to sign up with Zebpay and trade cryptocurrencies.

Zebpay charges fees for all price ranges. It charges a monthly fee for membership of 0.0001 BTC. The software claims that by constantly investing in it, you may avoid the costs. Zebpay charges 0.15 percent for makers and 0.25 percent for takers. But suppose that you only pay a trading fee of 0.10 percent if your trade (buy and sale) occurs on the same day. All cryptocurrency deposits are free at Zebpay.


However, there’s a fee of RS 15 if you deposit through UPI, while net banking charges 1.77 percent. Also, the website charges RS 10 for each withdrawal and 0.0006 BTC for Bitcoin withdrawals.

14. CoinSwitch Kuber

CoinSwitch KuberDuring the most recent IPL, CoinSwitch Kuber advertisements were continuously present. Popular investors and venture capital firms including Sequoia and others have provided investment for this platform. It guarantees the greatest trading rates on the market and says you can trade with up to 100+ cryptocurrencies. To register for an account to trade on the app, use your mobile number. Yet, it is evident that you cannot begin trading before the KYC procedure is finished.

To secure your account on the app, you can use a four-digit pin code. According to CoinSwitch Kuber, the first 100,000 users of the site won’t be charged a trading fee for 100 days. Many have joined CoinSwitch Kuber because of its straightforward user interface and strong promotion.


Deposits can be made in INR through NEFT, UPI, and bank transfers on the finest cryptocurrency exchange app. Yet, the platform is silent regarding the security procedures it has in place to protect cryptocurrency assets. The overall service method needs work, and the trade specifics are lacking.

15. Bitbns:

BitbnsThere is another cryptocurrency trading program called Bitbns. The program, which is available for both Android and iPhone users to download, enables you to purchase and sell alternative coins without the involvement of a third party.

The program lists more than 100 cryptocurrencies, from the well-known Shiba Inu and Ethereum to the more recent Bitcoin and Ethereum. Also, because of its affiliation with the major cryptocurrency exchange OKEx, Bitbns provides trading simplicity unmatched by any other cryptocurrency exchange.

Traders in India can purchase USDT, LINK, AAVE, MATIC, and USDC with rupee through bank transfers, IMPS, and UPI by selecting Bitbns using OKEx’s buy/sell interface.


Through the collaboration, the business also hopes to provide Indian traders with accessibility to a fiat gateway, a variety of more recent trading pairs, and early access to the launch of new coins and tokens, and high-return staking products.


Please be aware that investing in cryptocurrencies involves some market risks. This is only advised for those who have technical expertise in cryptocurrencies and a strong tolerance for risk.

So, the 15 platforms indicated above can best assist you if you have got what it requires to experiment with the world of cryptocurrencies.

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