How To

How to Buy Bitcoins Safely with Wisenex: Beginners Guide in 2024

For newbies to the universe of digital currencies, one of the primary worries is the trouble in making a buy. Wisenex is a digital money trade that tackles this issue since it permits you to purchase digital currencies in no time flat by making a bank move or utilizing a credit or check card.

What Is Wisenex? 

Wisenex is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to buy, sell, and trade various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.  Wisenex aims to offer a reliable and efficient platform for users to access the world of digital currencies. Remember to always do your research and exercise caution when using any cryptocurrency exchange platform.

Wisenex Benefits:

  • A natural point of interaction so you can purchase digital money effectively and rapidly. 
  • Speed and security that satisfy the most noteworthy guidelines. 
  • A productive member program that permits you to procure up to 20% on the expenses of clients welcomed by you. 
  • Direct trade. The bought digital currency is quickly moved to your wallet, so the assets are protected, and are not put away on the crypto trade account. 
  • There are numerous installment techniques accessible: charge cards, bank moves, and installment frameworks.

How To Sign Up For Wisenex?

Obtaining cryptographic forms of money at this stage is a speedy and simple cycle.

The primary thing to do is register a record. To do this go to the upper right of the authority site and snap on “SIGN UP”

In this step, the accompanying data will be mentioned:

  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Complete Name
  • State
  • City
  • Sex

With this information and a secret phrase we can get to the stage, however can’t make buys. To do so you should approve your information. (This step is obligatory and we will make sense of it later)

The check in the records is finished to build the security of the clients and keep away from tax evasion.

Wisenex Has 3 Degrees of Distinguishing Proof:

Level 1: This level is the one that is surpassed while making the record and where we will have entered the name, email, and phone.

  • When level 1 is finished we will just approach the stage, without any chance of procurement.

Level 2: Level 2 will demand character confirmation through a photograph of your ID, visa, or driving permit, you should likewise check the telephone number that was placed in the library, which will be finished through an SMS.

  • When level 2 is finished, you will approach acquiring digital currencies.

Level 3: To finish this level sufficiently, a service bill for public help (power, water, gas … ) will be mentioned in your name and where your genuine home location shows up.

  • This level is for clients who need to work with huge volumes of digital currencies.

Kindly note that the pictures conveyed at the hour of check should have the quality and arrangement mentioned on the stage, assuming you have issues during enrollment you can see the arrangements here.

Check of Level 2 records is typically programmed, but if there is an issue and the record needs manual confirmation it very well may be postponed as long as 24 hours.

Level 3 records are handled physically and will require as long as 24 hours to confirm.

Wisenex Point of Interaction:

Whenever we have made our record and gotten to the stage we will see the accompanying:

The Wisenex connection point is perfect and natural, in the top menu there are 3 choices, Dashboard, Exchange rundown, and Checks.


In this tab, we will see a diagram with the constant cost of digital forms of money, for this situation the Bitcoin value, and a change table that shows how much crypto we will procure given how much buy. (The worth in this table is refreshed like clockwork).

We can likewise see a region with our information and the buttons that take us to the cryptographic money buy screen.

Transaction List:

As its name recommends, in this tab you will see the rundown of exchanges made on the stage.


This is where you can send the different personality archives that are mentioned to pass the different check levels and accordingly have the option to make cryptographic money buys.

The reports that you can send and adjust in this tab are:

  • Individual data
  • ID/Visa Screen capture
  • Evidence of address
  • Photograph of installment card
  • Photograph of a selfie with an identification close by

Here are their digital money wallets

What Cryptocurrencies One Can Buy At Wisenex?

This stage focuses harder on quality than on to amount regarding digital forms of money. Wisenex as of now offers the acquisition of 5 cryptographic forms of money including Bitcoin [BTC] Ethereum [ETH], Litecoin [LTC], Bitcoin Cash [BCH], and stablecoin Tether [USDT].

Starting today, Wisenex upholds the dollar and the Euro as government-issued money, soon the stage will add new government-issued types of money.

How Would I Purchase Digital Currencies on Wisenex?

Whenever you have confirmed the record with an adequate level that permits you to get digital currencies, simply press the “BUY COINS” button.

Enter the sum you need to purchase, the government-issued money with which you need to pay, the digital currency you need to buy, and the wallet where you need the buy made to be saved.

Recall that the demonstrated wallet should show up in the “VERIFICATIONS” segment.

Check the containers where you acknowledge the terms and confirm that you are of legitimate age and press “CONTINUE”

Confirm your information and transfer the important archives to check your record, assuming you have recently finished this step, the application will send you straightforwardly to the installment window.

While making the installment, you can utilize a card that has the very name that you used to enroll on the stage and confirm your personality.

Trade – $1000 Required Income

  • LEVEL PREMIUM – 15% Addition on trade – $5000 Required profit
  • LEVEL celebrity – 20% Addition on trade – $ 10,000 Required profit

Installments are made at regular intervals after arriving at least $ 200, with the choice of being made by bank move or BTC.

On the off chance that you register with the partner program, you will approach a board where you can see the changes made.

What’s more, to work with this cycle for clients, Wisenex offers its associates advertising materials to aid advancement.

Platform Security:

In the crypto biological system, the security of assets is vital for a venture to draw in clients. Wisenex views this exceptionally in a serious way and keeps its supports cold put away, leaving just 3% of its resources on the web.

Wisenex additionally offers the chance of utilizing 2FA to expand the security of the records and Login Watchman to distinguish the login from various Ips.

Wisenex is a digital currency trade that has been on the lookout for a long time and has more than 120,000 clients all over the planet.

You can check whether the stage is accessible in your nation by clicking here.

The trade conducts more than 300,000 fruitful month-to-month exchanges and its client care upholds day in and day out.

Its site is accessible in English, Russian, German, Spain, and French.

8. Steps to Buy Bitcoins Safely with Wisenex:

Here are 8 steps to buy bitcoins safely with Wisenex 

1. Create an Account:

 To create an account on Wisenex, visit their official website and look for the “Sign Up” or “Create Account” button. Enter your details. Once you’ve entered all the necessary details, submit the form and you should receive a confirmation email. Verify your account through that link. After that, you’ll be able to log in and start using Wisenex to buy bitcoins safely.

2. Verify your Identity:

To verify your identity on Wisenex, you will need to follow their specific verification process. Typically, this involves providing identification documents such as a passport or driver’s license, as well as proof of address such as a utility bill or bank statement. Wisenex will guide you through the steps and provide instructions on how to securely submit these documents for verification. Remember to ensure that the documents you provide are valid and up-to-date.

3. Set up 2-factor Authentication: 

To set up 2-factor authentication on Wisenex, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Wisenex account.
  2. Go to the record settings or security settings segment.
  3. Look for the option to enable 2-factor authentication.
  4. Choose your preferred method of verification, such as using an authentication app or receiving SMS codes.
  5. Follow the instructions to set up the selected method.
  6. Once enabled, you will need to provide the additional verification code every time you log in to your Wisenex account.

Enabling 2-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access your funds. It is recommended to choose a secure and reliable method, such as using an authentication app, for the best protection.

4. Deposit Funds: 

To deposit funds into your Wisenex account, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Wisenex account.
  2. Explore the “Deposit” or “Funds” area.
  3. Select the cryptocurrency or fiat currency you want to deposit.
  4. Follow the provided instructions to generate a deposit address or select a payment method.
  5. Depending on the chosen method, you may need to provide additional information or complete a transaction.
  6. Once the deposit is confirmed, the funds will be credited to your Wisenex account.

Remember to double-check the deposit address or payment details to ensure accuracy. It’s also important to be aware of any fees or minimum deposit requirements that may apply. If you encounter any issues during the deposit process, Wisenex’s customer support will be able to assist you further.

5. Navigate to the Trading Section:

To navigate to the trading section on Wisenex, you can simply log in to your account and click on the “Trading” or “Exchange” tab in the navigation menu. From there, you will be able to access the trading section where you can view the available cryptocurrency pairs and place buy or sell orders.

6. Place an Order: 

 To place an order on Wisenex, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Wisenex account.
  2. Navigate to the trading section.
  3. Choose the cryptocurrency pair you want to trade.
  4. Select whether you want to place a buy or sell order.
  5. Enter the desired quantity and price for your order.
  6. Review the order details and click on the “Place Order” button.

Please note that it’s important to carefully review your order before placing it to ensure accuracy. Additionally, keep in mind that trading involves risks, and it’s recommended to do thorough research and consider market conditions before placing orders.

7. Review and Confirm: 

 Please take a moment to carefully review all the details of your order, including the cryptocurrency pair, quantity, and price. Once you have confirmed that everything is accurate, you can proceed to click on the “Confirm Order” button to finalize the transaction.

8. Store your Bitcoins Securely: 

To store your bitcoins securely, it is recommended to use a cryptocurrency wallet. Hardware wallets, like Ledger or Trezor, are considered one of the most secure options as they store your private keys offline. Software wallets, such as Exodus or Electrum, are installed on your computer or smartphone and provide a balance between security and convenience. 

Online wallets, like Coinbase or, are accessible through the internet but may have higher security risks. Remember to enable two-factor authentication and keep your wallet’s backup phrase or seed phrase in a safe place.


To buy bitcoins safely with Wisenex you need to follow the best practices. Start by creating an account and verifying your identity. Enable 2-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security. Deposit funds from your bank account and navigate to the trading section on the platform. 

Now place an order for the desired amount of bitcoin, review and confirm the details, and transfer your purchased bitcoins to a secure wallet. By following these steps and staying informed about cryptocurrency best practices, you can safely buy bitcoins using Wisenex. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are 5 frequently asked questions people asked about buying bitcoins safely with Wisenex:

Q 1: Is it Safe to create an Account on Wisenex?

Answer: Yes, Wisenex takes security seriously and implements measures to protect user accounts and information.

Q 2: How does Wisenex Verify my identity?

Answer: Wisenex follows a strict verification process that may include submitting identification documents and proof of address.

Q 3: What is 2-factor Authentication and why should I Enable it?

Answer: 2-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification step, usually through a mobile app or SMS code. It helps protect your account from unauthorized access.

 Q 4: Can I Trust Wisenex with my Bank Account details?

 Answer: Wisenex prioritizes user security and uses encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive information.

Q 5: How can I Ensure the Safety of my Purchased Bitcoins?

Answer: It is recommended to transfer your purchased bitcoins to a secure wallet that you control, such as a hardware wallet or a software wallet with strong security measures.

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