
What is DAO and How its Works in 2024

An organization without centralized command is known as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Decisions are made bottom-up by a community centered around a certain set of regulations that are implemented on a blockchain. 

DAOs are internet-based businesses that are cooperatively owned and run by their users. They have internal treasuries that are only open to members with their consent. The group votes on suggestions over a predetermined period to make decisions. 

A DAO can serve a variety of functions and operates decentralized from hierarchical management. These organizations make it feasible to create venture capital firms owned by a group, philanthropic organizations whose members approve gifts, and freelance networks where contracts combine their funds to pay for software licenses. 

Before continuing, it’s crucial to understand the difference between a DAO, an organization born on the internet, and the DAO, one of the very first of its kind. The DAO was a 2016 project that ultimately failed and caused a sharp division in the Ethereum network. 

How is DAO Used? 

As was already said, a DAO is a collective member-owned organization where decisions are taken from the bottom up. There are several methods to take part in a DAO, most frequently through holding a token. 

Smart contracts, which are simply blocks of code that automatically run whenever a certain set of conditions are met, are how DAOs function. Nowadays, smart contracts are used on many different blockchains, but Ethereum was the first to do so. The DAO’s regulations are established by these smart contracts. Those who have a stake in a DAO, therefore, have voting rights and can decide on or make new governance suggestions, which can then affect how the organization runs. 

 DAOs are organizations that were built for the Internet. As a result, the phrase cannot be used to refer to any other varieties of decentralized groups. DAO is now a rather broad phrase as well. Any internet-based business that satisfies the requirements and makes use of a blockchain is covered. One of the first companies of this kind, The DAO, was founded in 2016. In fact, The DAO once held 14% of the total quantity of Ethereum (ETH) in the world. Even though The DAO ultimately collapsed, it’s important to understand that many other DAOs have subsequently operated successfully. 

This model stops proposals from being spammed into DAOs: A proposal will only be approved by most stakeholders. The smart contracts specify how that majority is chosen, which differs from DAO to DAO. 

DAOs are transparent and completely independent. Anyone can read their code because they were created on open-source blockchains. Due to the blockchain’s ability to record every financial transaction, anyone can audit their built-in treasuries. 

DAO launch: 

A DAO launch typically involves three primary steps. 

Establishing smart contracts: The smart contract that powers the DAO must first be created by a developer or group of developers. They can only alter the regulations established by these contracts after launch by using the governance system. To make sure they don’t miss any crucial information, they must thoroughly test the contracts. 

Funding: The DAO must decide how to implement governance and how to get funding when smart contracts have been developed. Tokens, which grant holders voting rights, are typically sold to raise money. 

Deployment: The DAO must be launched on the blockchain after everything has been set up. Stakeholders will now make decisions on the organization’s future. The people who founded the organization and created the smart contracts have no more sway over the initiative than any other stakeholder. 

Why are DAOs Necessary? 

DAOs are superior to traditional organizations in several ways since they were born on the internet. The lack of trust required between two parties is a key benefit of DAOs. With DAOs, just the code needs to be trusted, unlike traditional organizations that demand a lot of faith in the individuals running them, particularly on the part of investors. 

Trusting that code is simpler because it is available to the public and can be thoroughly checked before launch. Each action is a DAO. 

An organization of this type lacks a hierarchical structure. It may still carry out duties and develop while being managed by stakeholders via its native token. Because there is no hierarchy, any stakeholder can provide an original concept, which the entire group will review and enhance. According to the pre-written regulations in the smart contract, internal issues are frequently quickly resolved through the voting process. 

DAOs enable investors the opportunity to pool their resources and invest in early-stage enterprises and decentralized projects while splitting the risk and potential rewards. 

Principal-Agent Conundrum:

 DAOs’ fundamental benefit is that they provide a solution to the principal-agent problem. Between a person or organization (the primary) and those making choices and acting on their behalf (the agent), there is a conflict of priorities in this problem. 

 Problems can arise in a variety of circumstances, with the interaction between stakeholders and a CEO being a frequent one. The principal (the stakeholders) may set priorities and goals for the agent (the CEO), but the agent (the CEO) may choose to operate in their own self-interest instead. 

When the agent assumes excessive risk because the principal bears the responsibility, this is another common instance of the principal-agent dilemma. For instance, a trader can employ high leverage to pursue a performance incentive if they understand the risks. 

The principal-agent problem is resolved by DAOs via community governance. Stakeholders choose whether to participate in a DAO after becoming familiar with its operating principles. They can work as a part of a team whose incentives are aligned without having to rely on an agent to act on their behalf. 

The interests of token holders are aligned since a DAO’s structure encourages good behavior. They will want the network to flourish because they have an interest in it. It would be against their self-interest to do otherwise. 

The DAO was What? 

An early version of today’s decentralized autonomous organizations was the DAO. It was first introduced in 2016 with the intention of becoming an automated venture capital company. Owners of DAO tokens could profit from the organization’s investments by receiving dividends or by taking advantage of the tokens’ rising value. The DAO initially garnered $150 million in Ether ETH and was hailed as a ground-breaking project. One of the most successful crowdsourcing campaigns at the time. 

After Ethereum protocol engineer Christoph Jentzsch made the open-source code for an Ethereum-based investment organization available, the DAO went live on April 30, 2016. By sending ether to the DAO’s smart contracts, investors purchased DAO tokens. 

A few days into the token sale, some engineers voiced their worries that a flaw in the smart contracts of The DAO might allow thieves to siphon off its funds. More control over how their content is distributed is advantageous to the creators. They are not required to invest hours in creating content for a significant platform only to discover that the owner of the platform decides to demonetize or remove their effort. Users that join a DAO also enjoy advantages they might not otherwise acquire, such as direct access to a favorite creator, early access to events and new products, discounts on merchandise, and other unique stuff.  

To prevent a soft fork effort, the hacker even offered to pay ETH miners with some of the stolen money. A hard fork was chosen as the answer after much discussion. In order to restore the Ethereum network’s history to the period before The DAO was compromised and reallocate the stolen assets to a smart contract that permitted investors to withdraw them, a hard fork was implemented. Those opposed to the change rejected the hard fork and supported Ethereum Classic ETC, an earlier iteration of the network. 

DAO Disadvantages: 

Autonomous decentralized groups aren’t perfect. They are a very new technology that has drawn a lot of criticism because of unresolved issues with its structure, security, and legality. 

For instance, MIT Technology Review has stated that it believes it is a bad idea to entrust the public with crucial financial decisions. MIT expressed its opinions on DAOs back in 2016, but the organization doesn’t seem to have modified its mind since then, at least not publicly. Security issues were also brought up by the DAO hack since smart contract problems can be challenging to address even after they are discovered. 

There is no specific legal structure for DAOs, and they can operate in different countries. Any potential legal disputes will probably need individuals involved to negotiate a complex legal struggle involving a few local laws. 

For instance, The DAO offered securities in the form of tokens on the Ethereum blockchain without permission, breaking several of the country’s securities laws, according to a report published in July 2017 by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. 

DAO illustrations:

Over the past few years, decentralized autonomous organizations have gained popularity and are now completely integrated into many blockchain initiatives. DAOs are used in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector to enable applications to become completely decentralized. 

The first known instance of a DAO is a network. Even though many network participants have never met, the network grows through community consensus. Additionally, it lacks a formalized governance system; instead, miners and nodes must communicate support. 

However, by today’s standards, Bitcoin is not regarded as a DAO. According to current standards, Dash would be the first real DAO because it features a governance structure that enables stakeholders to decide how to use the project’s money. 


Stablecoins backed by cryptocurrencies are introduced by other, more sophisticated DAOs, such as decentralized networks constructed on top of the Ethereum blockchain. In some instances, the companies who first started these DAOs gradually relinquish control of the undertaking to one day become irrelevant. The hiring of new contributors, the addition of new tokens as collateral for existing tokens, and changes to other parameters can all be voted on by token holders. 

Using a liquidity mining method, a DeFi lending system created its own governance token and distributed it. In essence, tokens would be awarded to everybody who interacted with the protocol. Since then, the model has been imitated and modified by other projects. 

The list of DAOs is quite lengthy. It has evolved into a distinct idea that is gaining support over time. Even while some projects are currently working to implement the DAO model and achieve total decentralization, it’s important to note that they are still relatively new and have not yet met all their intended purposes. 

DAOs can fundamentally alter corporate governance because they were built on the Internet. As the idea develops and the murky legal waters, they operate in are clarified, more and more organizations would probably adopt the DAO model, which might help them in performing their vital functions. 


What Does a DAO do? 

The Data Access Object pattern, sometimes known as DAO, isolates the client interface of a data resource from its data access methods. adapts the access API of a given data resource to a standard client interface. 

 Is Bitcoin a DAO? 

DAOs are used in the decentralized finance (DeFi) field to enable applications to become completely decentralized, for instance. Some claim that the Bitcoin (BTC) network is the oldest existing example of a DAO. 

How are DAOs Funded? 

Tokens. DAOs frequently raise money by releasing a governance token, which members who actively support the DAO can either buy or receive as a gift. The traditional initial step to gather money and fulfill a need is to issue a token. 

What is the Future of DAOs? 

DAOs require transparent governance procedures that promote community engagement and decision-making in order to operate successfully. New governance methods that address these issues and guarantee efficient decision-making and community involvement may be incorporated into DAOs in the future. 

Are DAOs Forbidden? 

Due to their intrinsic decentralization, DAOs—relatively new legal entities without a centralized leadership—are supposed to protect projects against legal action. However, the court’s ruling shows that DAOs can – and will – face legal repercussions. 

Are They Profitable? 

A DAO often generates revenue through gains from investments that it has made. DAO founders can also make money by persuading individuals to invest in them based on their business concept. Being in the cryptocurrency and decentralized financial worlds is where the beauty of DAOs money lies. 

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